For our Customers

With closeness and commitment, our ambition at Corem is to make sure our customers are well looked after.

Find vacant premises (362 st)

Find vacant premises (362 st)



Premise type

Focusing on the customer

Our quest to provide premises that allow our customers to develop their business describes part of how Corem works.

Corem’s vision is to manage and develop properties for the future. This means that we want to create attractive and sustainable environments for the companies, individuals and society of the future. We do this, among other things, by having locally based management and operations, close to our customers. With proximity, commitment and local knowledge, these employees help our customers find premises that best support the customers’ operations and needs.

For us at Corem, it is important to have a proactive approach, where we work long-term and with close contact with customers, to be able to meet changing needs, and develop together.

For our customers

Contact your local administration office

Our local administration offices are your primary contact for questions concerning your premises.
Feel free to contact us with questions.

Service registration

Fill in your case by clicking here for service registration . The case is sent directly to the relevant technicians for action. (This service is currently only available in Swedish)

If you receive an error message when you make your service report, email your case to Describe the error and state the property name in the email.

For personal service, call us on tel 010-482 70 00.

Rental notices / invoices

Contact Corem’s rental administration for questions regarding rental notices or invoices.

Tel: 010-482 70 10

Notification options

Help us reduce our paper consumption.
By switching to electronic invoicing, you make a climate-smart choice and together we contribute to saving forests.
Read more here. (Information currently only available in Swedish)

Frequently asked questions.


To sign up for an electricity subscription, you need to get the ID number for the current premises from your manager. Then sign an electricity agreement with the supplier you want.


Broadband is withdrawn in most of our premises. For information about your premises and its connection point, contact your manager.


All tenants are responsible for installing a lock cylinder with associated keys to their rented premises.

Facade signs

Contact your Property Manager to investigate the possibilities of mounting a sign on the facade.


Content coming soon.

Fire safety

Responsibility for fire safety in your own premises – read more here and feel free to contact us for further information. Information only available in Swedish for the time-being.

Please get in touch!

Fill in the form and we will get back to you.

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