Blåfjäll Kista

Vision, business concept and business model

Properties for the future.

Vision, business concept and business model

Corem’s business model aims to create profitability and good value growth in a long-term and sustainable way. The way to get there consists of sustainable management with the tenant in focus and that value is created through both strategic real estate investments and the refinement of existing properties. The business is run with its own staff to ensure high quality and profitability.


Properties for the future.

The vision is based on the customers’ development, where their premises are a success factor.




Corem Affärsidé

Corem creates businesses and develops premises and urban environments in a sustainable and customer-friendly way.

The business concept is based on Corem creating value for customers through sustainable, inspiring and efficient places to develop businesses and people.

A business model for long-term value growth and profitability

The basis for Corem’s operations is long-term. All parts of the business work to create value not only for today but over a long period of time. The business must be long-term sustainable from a social, ecological and economic perspective. The business model is based on a continuous process where long-term and customer-oriented management forms the basis. Continuous improvement of the portfolio together with real estate and urban development as well as strategic real estate transactions contribute with additional potential for both growth and value development.

The property portfolio is anchored in buildings for commercial use. It is geographically focused on metropolitan areas and growth areas. Common to growth locations is a growing business community and an increasing population. Management with locally based, own staff, where the customer is in focus, is the foundation. Locally based management provides good market contact and proactivity in the management work. Through geographically consolidated administrative units, economies of scale are achieved in the administration at the same time as the possibility of meeting customers’ needs increases.

Project and property development is an increasingly important part of Corem’s operations as it makes it possible to meet customers’ changing premises needs and further develop the property portfolio.

Proactive management with tenant focus

Corem creates long-term tenant relationships through a proactive and market-oriented own management and local presence.

Corem’s properties are managed by its own staff, which provides good opportunities to build long-term relationships. Short decision paths and a local presence in the company’s markets are prioritized and contribute to a good understanding of the tenant’s current and changing needs.

Value creation through project development

Investments in existing properties are often made in connection with new leases and for the purpose of adapting and modernizing premises. Through long-term sustainable investments, Corem refines and develops properties, areas and companies. Property development means a good opportunity for value development and extended customer relationships.

Project development includes everything from long-term detailed planning work and major new, remodeling and extensions to improvements in connection with the change of tenant and energy saving measures.

All investments are made to create value that lasts over time, which means that goals such as sustainability and customer satisfaction are prioritized. By modernizing the buildings and continuously adapting the portfolio to changing market conditions, leasing is facilitated and returns are optimized.

Strategic transactions

Corem actively seeks out and executes transactions with the aim of refining the property portfolio and increasing its value. Geographical focus for growth is metropolitan areas and growth locations. Properties that are outside priority geographical areas, are judged to have a low return potential or belong to a non-prioritized property segment may be divested.