Compensation to the board
Board fees shall be paid in accordance with a decision at the Annual General Meeting. For 2022, the fee amounted to SEK 575,000 to the Chairman of the Board and SEK 315,000 to the other members.
Compensation to senior executives
Compensation and benefits to other senior executives in Group Management are decided, in accordance with principles established by Corem’s Annual General Meeting, by the Board. The following principles for remuneration to senior executives in Corem were established at the 2023 Annual General Meeting, to be valid until the 2027 Annual General Meeting, at the latest.
Corem shall have the compensation levels and terms of employment required to recruit and retain senior executives with good skills and capacity to achieve set goals, implement the business strategy and safeguard the company’s long-term interests, including its sustainability work.
Marketability and competitiveness shall apply as overarching principles for remuneration to senior executives.
The compensation structure shall consist of a fixed and variable salary, pension and other benefits.
The remuneration of the senior executives shall be market-based and competitive, and consist of a fixed cash salary, eventual variable cash remuneration, pension benefits and other benefits. The General Meeting may additionally – and independently of these guidelines – resolve on, for example, share and share price related remunerations.
All senior executives shall be offered a fixed cash salary, which shall be based on market conditions and determined with regard to the importance of the work assignment and the senior executive’s experience, competence, responsibilities and performance
Variable compensation must be linked to predetermined measurable criteria and designed so that they promote the company’s business strategy and long-term interests, including sustainability. The criteria are determined annually by the Board. For the CEO, variable cash remuneration may consist of an amount corresponding to a maximum of six ordinary monthly salaries. For the other senior executives, variable cash remuneration may consist of an amount corresponding to a maximum of three ordinary monthly salaries. Variable cash remuneration shall be based on outcomes in relation to established targets, both in relation to the company’s results and in relation to individual performances.